Navigating the Intersection of Autoimmune Disease and Grief: Finding Healing Through Lifestyle Changes

Today, let's talk about something that affects millions of people around the world: autoimmune diseases. Conditions like Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and Lyme Disease can have a profound impact on our lives, not just physically, but emotionally as well. Let's explore how receiving a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease can trigger feelings of grief and how making lifestyle changes can help us cope and find healing.

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Women's issues, Health and Wellness Grief Escapes Women's issues, Health and Wellness Grief Escapes

It’s Peri-Menopause, I’m not Crazy!

It’s 3 a.m. and I’m awaken out of nowhere thinking I peed the bed. Nope, it’s sweat. Not just a little sweat, so much sweat that I want to change the sheets but I’m exhausted and my hubby is sleep. Instead, I grab multiple towels and turn the AC to Antartica. I’m so confused my mom and aunt said this would happen in my 50’s, but I’m 47 years old and struggling with these damn hormone fluctuations. I’m meaner than mean to everyone, my cycle is short enough to still require coverage but the mood swings and libido changes are worse than being preggers. Someone tell me how am I supposed to navigate peri-menopause when everyone is so busy telling me I’m not old enough for this. People it’s called Peri (meaning the time before). So how bout my doctor and Dr. Google says it’s a 10 year process, wait what. Well BABY! I can’t handle this. For the last 3 years, I’ve been feeling like a crazy person. You’re telling me I have 7 more years of this crap.

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