Seeking relief for your Grief!

The only evidenced-based Grief Recovery program in the world.

Looking for relief for your grief? You’re in the right place!

My name is Monique Hayes and I'm proud of you for trusting in the healing process and seeking the support you need. I understand the deep and seemingly bottomless pain of loss you may be feeling . In July 2020, my mom unexpectedly passed amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. This was an earth shattering and devastating loss for me. Then, my grief was compounded during my birthday weekend in Sept. 2020 when my grandmother died after an emergency hip surgery. In the span of 3 months, I lost the only two maternal figures I knew.
I spent over a year in therapy, but oftentimes found that I was pretending that I was fine. While in therapy, I still felt this heavy, unbearable weight that kept me frozen in place and stuck—all I could think of was how could I move forward in my life. When I found the Grief Recovery Method (GRM), I swore I didn't need more help outside the year-long therapy. I felt my 15+ years working as a counselor was enough to get me through the feelings of ‘stuckness’. Needless to say, I was completely WRONG!
Words cannot describe how GRM changed my life and helped me find my way back to myself—back to feeling joy and being hopeful for things to come. Now as an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist, I want to help you find your own Rapid Relief to Your Grief!

My wish for you is that we can work together to rediscover your sense of self, happiness and hope after loss. I am eager to work online with individuals around the world seeking to push through to the other side of grief.

Grief isn’t just about Death

Grief is the normal and natural emotional response to change or loss of any kind – death, divorce, moving, financial changes, health changes, relationship changes and on and on. 

How can Grief Recovery Method help you?

The GRM is just that – a step by step process – an “action program” - for unlocking and respecting the emotional experience of our grief – both the immediate or presenting grief issues – and those that may have been holding us captive for years. 

Investment to Healing Your Heart

  • Meet with me for 7 - One-hour virtual sessions ($75 per session or $500 paid-in full discount) - Price includes book and handouts. Must be 18 or over to participate.