The Health Benefits of Wheat Germ

Wheat germ is a nutritious byproduct of wheat making. It contains more nutrients than refined wheat, and a small amount of it can provide you with an important dose of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, wheat germ can help you fight cancer, improve your cardiovascular health, and promote healthy, glowing skin. You can even add it to smoothies and protein shakes to boost its benefits. This versatile food has many uses and is a great addition to any diet.

Did you know that wheat germ is beneficial for your body? You can add it to smoothies and other dishes to boost their nutritional value. Wheat germ can also be added to soups and curries as a thickener, bringing even more benefits to the meal. It can even be added to meatballs and baked chicken. Its nutty taste will enhance the taste of your favorite dishes. Wheat germ can also be used as a filler for meatballs and meatloaves.

Wheat germ is rich in folic acid, which has a negative relationship with homocysteine, a substance linked to several health issues. While it is found in many whole grains, wheat germ is exceptional in its folic acid content. By adding wheat germ to your diet, you can significantly lower your homocysteine levels, lowering your risk of certain medical conditions. In addition to lowering your homocysteine levels, wheat germ can also help to lower cholesterol levels.

Phytosterols found in wheat germ have antioxidant properties. They kill disease-causing microorganisms and stimulate the immune system. Whole grain wheat, including germ, may lower the risk of coronary heart disease by reducing oxidized LDL cholesterol, a type of cholesterol found in the arteries and veins. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids found in wheat germ may counteract the harmful effects of omega-6 fatty acids.

Wheat germ oil is also beneficial to the skin and hair. Wheat germ oil contains many essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6, folic acid, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. It also is rich in antioxidants, which protect the cells of the body from oxidative stress. Finally, wheat germ oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. So, if you're concerned about the benefits of wheat germ oil, add a tablespoon daily to your diet!

Studies that have been performed on humans have shown that supplementing with wheat germ can improve blood cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, and reduce gastrointestinal discomfort. The results from the trials show that wheat germ has significant anti-aging effects. The health benefits of wheat germ can be obtained by either taking it as a dietary supplement or using it in cosmetic products. Besides enhancing skin health, wheat germ also contains numerous other vitamins and nutrients. It has been shown to have positive effects on many health conditions, including psoriasis, sunburn, eczema, wrinkles, dull complexion, and receding hairlines.

If you think wheat germ is for you, talk to your medical professional, and incrementally add it into your daily diet. 

Coach Clinton


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