It’s My Birthday: How to Celebrate After Mom's Passing

Today, I want to talk to you about something very personal: celebrating your birthday after your mom has passed away. My birthday is this weekend and I’m excited but also feeling sad off and on. I know it can be tough, but I guess it's also a chance to remember her and make her proud. So, let's chat about ways you can spend your birthday after your mom’s passing.

Remembering Mom

First off, I know how much we love our moms. They're our first friends, teachers, and cheerleaders. When they're not with us anymore, it's natural to feel a mix of emotions. You might be sad, and that's okay. But remember, your mom would want you to find happiness and joy in life.

Honoring Her Memory

Celebrating your birthday after your mom has passed away can be a way to honor her memory. You can do things that she loved or that you did together. Maybe it's baking her famous chocolate chip cookies or visiting her favorite park. These actions can make you feel closer to her. I’m going horseback riding, which is something my mom loved to do when she was younger.

Support from Loved Ones

You don't have to go through this alone. Talk to your family or a close friend about how you're feeling. They might have ideas on how to make your birthday special or simply be there to listen and give you a big, comforting hug.

Creating New Traditions

Sometimes, it helps to create new traditions. Think of things you'd like to do on your birthday that also pay tribute to your mom. Maybe you could start a tradition of sharing stories about her or watching her favorite movie. It's a way to keep her spirit alive. My friends and family are spending time with me remembering some fun birthdays of the past when my mom was here.

A Special Gift

Consider getting yourself a meaningful gift. It doesn't have to be expensive; it just needs to have significance. It could be a book she loved, a piece of jewelry that reminds you of her, or even a plant to nurture like she nurtured you. My mom loved elephants so each year, I try to get a piece of jewelry with an elephant on it. Over the summer I bought myself an elephant shaped flower pot to put in my garden. reminds me of her every time I enter my home.

Helping Others

Another way to find meaning in your birthday is by helping others. You can volunteer at a local charity or donate to a cause that was close to your mom's heart. Doing good deeds can make you feel good too.

It's Okay to Cry

Remember, it's okay to cry. Emotions are a part of being human, and missing your mom is completely normal. Let it out; it can be like a release valve for all those feelings.

Planning Ahead

Lastly, if your mom's birthday or the anniversary of her passing is close to your birthday, you might want to plan for that. It can be an emotional time, and it's okay to take a break from celebrating if you need to. You can always do something special on a different day.

In the end, celebrating your birthday after your mom has passed away can be a bittersweet experience. It's about finding ways to keep her memory alive and making her proud. Remember, she loved you deeply, and she would want to see you happy. So, as you blow out those candles, know that she's right there with you, cheering you on in spirit.

Take care, and happy birthday! 🎂🌟

Written By: Monique Hayes, M.Ed, Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist


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