Health Benefits of Drinking Whiskey

I know, you’re probably thinking Whiskey can’t be healthy, can it? Before you make a judgment take a look at the rest of our article.


Whiskey has been used for centuries as a digestion aid. Unlike wine, which contains less than 5% alcohol, whiskey contains a high percentage of ethanol. This high alcohol content helps the digestive system function properly and reduces the chances of developing various health problems. Alcohol also reduces your risk of dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and cancer. However, drinking whisky can also make you feel uncomfortable after heavy meals. Here are some of the benefits of drinking whiskey:

Heart disease

Alcoholic beverages like whiskey can lower your risk of strokes, heart attacks and blood clots. Whiskey contains polyphenols, plant-based antioxidants linked to a decreased risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that whiskey lowers LDL cholesterol, increases HDL cholesterol and lowers triglycerides. Drinking whiskey in moderation can also reduce the risk of obesity and heart disease. But if you're still not convinced, consider some of these other benefits of whiskey.


There are many health benefits of drinking whiskey. Some of these benefits are largely due to its antioxidant properties, such as ellagic acid. The health benefits of drinking whiskey are generally not as great as the risks associated with it. However, one or two glasses of whiskey per week can help you live longer and healthier. As long as you drink responsibly, you will reap the full benefits of whiskey. And, if you're not sure how much whiskey is healthy for you, here are a few things you should know:

Sore throat

Many people swear by drinking whiskey for a sore throat, but is it actually effective? The answer is no. While whiskey can soothe the symptoms of a sore throat, it can't actually kill the bacteria that cause the sore throat in the first place. Most alcoholic beverages have an alcohol content of around 40%, and to effectively kill germs, you need an alcohol concentration of 60 to 90 percent. In addition, whiskey's high ABV can dehydrate your body, making you feel worse.

Weight management

When it comes to drinking alcohol, you've probably heard of beer and wine. But did you know that alcohol can also help you lose weight? Whiskey has low calorie content, making it the perfect choice for those watching their weight. The American Society for Clinical Nutrition published a study in 1991 that found that moderate intakes of whiskey reduced cravings for sugar and increased energy. It contains only 70 calories per ounce and no carbohydrates.


If you've been wondering whether drinking whiskey is safe for people with diabetes, you're not alone. Alcohol is one of the few alcohols that is not loaded with carbs, but it can still have an impact on your blood sugar. For this reason, you should stick to a low-calorie drink. Alcohols like whiskey and other spirits can also help you control your diabetes because they are low in calories. The main key to drinking whiskey safely for people with diabetes is to be careful about the type of mixer you use. There are several types of mixers on the market, and you can try switching to a diet one to get the same effects.


Though we’ve listed some health benefits to drinking whiskey, we are not promoting or suggesting that you should start drinking whiskey or any other alcoholic beverage. Consult with your healthcare practitioner before you make any decision on drinking whiskey.

Coach Clinton


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