Benefits to Consistently Posting on LinkedIn

There are many benefits to consistently posting on LinkedIn. For starters, it can increase your visibility in a short period of time. When it comes to SEO, this method is also effective in increasing website traffic and page views. The more relevant your content is, the more likely it is to appear on a person's feed. It's important to keep in mind that posts should be relevant and varied in length. Posting links to external articles is also an effective way to increase your visibility on LinkedIn.

Consistently posting on LinkedIn also increases your visibility and performs better when you share it with other users. Aim to post on your LinkedIn profile and company page two to three times per week. Always plan captions for your content and don't just post to say you did. Afterwards, share the content with your connections and leave comments on other people's posts. Make sure to comment and like their content as well.

The quality of your contact base is higher on LinkedIn than on Twitter and Facebook. Groups on LinkedIn are often well-moderated and comprise a particular demographic. This is an added benefit. While posting on LinkedIn requires effort and time, the payoff is worth it in the long run. Your posts should provide value to your audience, not just to promote your own products. In other words, LinkedIn is for professionals that care about using their skills and expertise to help others and build their network.

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