4 Exercises You Can Do Every Day to Strengthen Your Glute and Core

Wood-Chop Exercise

To start, try a wood-chop exercise. You can use your body weight and an object to hold onto. This is a great feel-good stretch after sitting in one place for most of the day. You can also use a small towel or a dumbbell to help with balance. Either way, make sure to engage your core muscles and avoid putting undue stress on your body parts. Do this exercise as often as you can for optimal results.

Training large muscle groups is difficult if you do just three or four exercises per session. Instead, look for exercises that train many muscle groups at the same time. Your body is designed to move as a unit and recruit several muscle groups at the same time. You need to train all six movement patterns to achieve maximum results. If you have more than 30 minutes a day, you can divide your workout into four or five separate sessions. Split up the workout over two days.

Leg Raises

Leg raises are a great way to build up your glutes and core. To start, you should lie on your back and keep your hips bent at a 90 degree angle. Press your lower back into the floor to maintain the posture. Once you reach the top, switch your hands to the opposite knee and repeat the exercise. Repeat as necessary until your core strength increases and you can hold this position longer than before.


Pushups are a great bodyweight exercise that recruits multiple muscles. Start in the plank position with your shoulders and core tight. Bend your elbows to extend your arms. Then, lower your chest until your elbows are close to the floor. Repeat as many times as possible to strengthen your glutes and core. These exercises will strengthen your glutes and core and will improve your balance, sculpting your body.

Glute Bridge

The glute bridge works the whole posterior chain. To perform this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly. Your knees should not be too far forward, but they should be close to the floor. Alternate legs, and perform these exercises on alternate days. They will help strengthen your quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. They will also improve your posture.


All os these exercises are a great way to work your core and glute muscles. You can incorporate each of them into your daily exercise routine or try starting off with doing one exercise per day if you are a beginner. Remember these exercises can be done daily because they utilize your own body weight and do not increase unnecessary pressure on joints or bones from additional weight. Let us know how you feel after adding one of these exercises to your daily routine.

Coach Clinton


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