3 Reasons Why You Should Sleep With Your Head Towards the South

There are many benefits of sleeping with your head facing the South. The South is known for its positive effects, from relieving restlessness to reducing blood pressure. Listed below are a few of the reasons why you should sleep with your head towards the south. For more information, check out our article on the benefits of sleeping with your head facing the South. You will also benefit from the fact that sleeping with the south faces the opposite pole of Earth, which neutralizes magnetic fields and promotes general health benefits.

Positive effects of sleeping with your head facing the South

Having your head oriented southwards while sleeping will improve your mental health and digestion. It will help your brain function properly and stimulate nerve cell communication. Furthermore, sleeping with your head oriented southwards can help you recover more quickly from physical illness and stress. Also, it may improve your mood and help you attract wealth and abundance. Regardless of your age, sleeping with your head in the south will make you feel younger and more vibrant.

Moreover, as the Hindu god Yama rules the south, you are sure to experience a deep and heavy sleep if you sleep in that direction. As per the magnetic pole theory, the negative energy of the north attracts the positive energy of the south, promoting health, happiness, and prosperity. The opposite is true if you sleep with your head oriented northwards. The positive energy of the head attracts a tremendous amount of energy to the body.

Another study showed that sleeping with the head facing southwards has beneficial effects on the heart. In addition to reducing the risk of high blood pressure, sleeping in this direction could also help improve your sleep. The researchers compared those who slept north-south to those who slept east-west. Those who slept north-south experienced lower blood pressure and longer periods of sleep. This is likely due to the alignment of the body with the Earth's electromagnetic field.

Relieves restlessness

According to Hindu tradition, burying the dead with the head pointing northwards. Similarly, sleeping facing the South helps to ease restlessness. The earth's magnetic fields have a positive effect on the human body. A head rest oriented towards the south promotes happiness, prosperity, and health. It lowers blood pressure. The opposite is true for sleeping in the north. Nonetheless, sleeping northwards can cause restlessness, especially when you face the ceiling.

The south is considered the most beneficial direction to sleep in. According to the theory of magnetic fields, the earth's south pole attracts the north pole of the human magnetic field, creating a balance between the three doshas. According to Ayurveda, sleeping in this direction promotes physical, mental, and spiritual health. The south is also associated with prosperity and positive energy, making it an excellent choice for people with Vata.

The south also facilitates communication and replenishment of nerve cells.  The south also promotes freshness and attracts wealth and abundance. Sleeping in this direction can ease restlessness, as well as relieve anxiety and other problems. The South direction may be helpful for people who are over 65. It is also helpful for those who are having trouble sleeping in the north or facing the east.

Reduces blood pressure

Recent research has found that sleeping facing the south lowers blood pressure, and this is consistent with the way animals sleep. Because the brain and body naturally align themselves in a north-south direction, sleeping in the south has several health benefits. The magnetic fields of the earth are also beneficial to the human body, and if you are prone to high blood pressure, sleeping to the south may reduce it. Similarly, sleeping in a south-facing bedroom may improve your sleep quality and length.

It's well known that good sleep helps lower blood pressure. Research has shown that most people experience a drop in their blood pressure during their deepest stage of sleep (known as slow wave sleep). Missing this dip can lead to high daytime blood pressure. Aim to spend at least 90 minutes to two hours in this state each night. However, some people miss this dip, and it can increase blood pressure the next day.


It does not matter whether you believe what we’ve wrote in this article or not. We want you to have your own experience and then tell us how you feel. How did sleeping facing SOUTH make you feel?

Coach Clinton


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