Kettlebell Squat

Goblet Squats or Kettlebell Squat (We decided to use a ball this time but the kettlebell is the preferred piece of equipment)

1. Stand holding a light kettlebell by the horns (or hold each side of the exercise ball) close to your chest. This is your standing position.

2. Place your feet shoulder width

apart and turn your toes out.

3. Squat down between your legs until your hamstrings are on your calves. Keep your elbows tight to the sides of your body and your chest and head up with your back straight.

4. At the bottom of the squat, pause and use your elbows to push your knees out. Return to the starting position and repeat. Use a repetition range from 6-20 depending on the weight being used and your specific goals.

Written By: Clinton Minus, J.D.


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