Easy Ways to Practice Tantra With Your Significant Other

There are many easy ways to practice Tantra with your significant other. Start by bringing awareness into the present moment. You may practice Eye-gazing together, breathing exercises, or even Foreplay. Then, use your partner's name as the cue to continue the exercise. You may even want to be completely naked for the session, but that is up to you! Read on for some tips!


If you want to deepen your connection with your significant other, you might consider eye-gazing as a practice of Tantric magic. This ancient practice involves looking into each other's eyes, but only into the left eye. The left side of the body is considered the receptive side. The goal is to make your partner feel as comfortable as possible while gazing into each other's eyes. To begin, you should breathe deeply and set an intention together. It's important to choose a sound that isn't too jarring on the nervous system. If you can set aside at least 45-60 minutes to practice eye-gazing with your significant other.

When you are gazing at your partner's eyes, focus on their eyes for a full minute. Pay close attention to their pupils and iris. Be aware of any squinting or shifting. Over time, the gaze can deepen your relationship, resulting in a stronger bond. Practicing this with your partner can lead to more intimacy and a more erotically charged relationship.

During the first few times you practice eye-gazing, your partner may feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable. They may even cry. Be prepared to be vulnerable and patient, as it is very powerful. You will be surprised at how powerful and intimate eye-gazing can be! Just make sure that you practice eye-gazing as a practice of Tantra with your significant other frequently and with a lot of patience.

Breathing exercises

Before practicing Tantra with your significant other, you may want to do some deep breathing exercises together. Take a few slow breaths in and out and hold for two minutes before exhaling fully. Focus on exhaling fully and slowly, and imagine sending your breath to different parts of your body. Imagine sending your breath as an internal massage and try to imagine your lover is doing the same thing. After you practice the breathing exercises, you may notice differences in your partner's emotions and thoughts.

For the best results, practice synchronized breathing. Hold your significant other's hands and breathe in and out together, alternately. This is a good way to align your chakras with your partner's. Practice breathing together for at least two minutes, and try synchronizing it with hers. Your breath will match, and the energy will flow naturally in unison. This technique is particularly effective when you practice Tantra with your significant other.

While the breath is important, it is not the only thing you need to focus on in tantra. Your partner's breath is a vital part of the tantric practice. By engaging all senses during a tantric practice, you can become more fully present and experience the feelings in a deeper way. You might also find yourself triggering a sleep button in your partner. A breath exercise together with your significant other can help you relax and feel closer to each other.


Foreplay is an essential part of every intimate encounter. It takes desire, creativity, and courage to initiate sexual intercourse. You can create foreplay by focusing on small details of your daily life, including your home decor, music, and the layout of dates. Often, foreplay can be the difference between a happy and satisfying sex life for you and your partner.

Foreplay helps you get her off! A slow, deliberate process can make her feel fully aroused and ready for clitoral stimulation. Slow sex provides many tantric benefits and can get a woman out of her bedroom ruts. Foreplay can also help her achieve multiple orgasms. Foreplay is also a great way to practice Tantra with your significant other.

When you feel your partner is not feeling sexually attracted, change your environment. Try to find activities that make you feel more playful and sensual. Try bringing in essential oils, candles, or even plants. You can also try giving underwater foot massages. You'll be surprised at how much more energy you'll get from foreplay if you make the process a little more enjoyable.

If you don't practice foreplay with your significant other, you'll quickly slip into a sexless BFF status. To avoid this, you must continue to feed yourself with activities that matter to you as individuals. The moment your partner experiences you from a distance, you'll experience a surge of eroticism! This way, you'll be more responsive to her and make her feel more passionate than ever.

Bringing awareness into the present moment

In order to make your love life as rich as possible, you should bring your awareness into the present moment while practicing Tantra with your significant other. Practicing tantra involves your mind as much as your body. The three-fold connection between your mind and soul is achieved through meditation, which connects your mind with your heart. The practice of Tantra helps you develop awareness of your partner and deepen your love.

By slowing down and tuning into your significant other, you can explore her body, breath and emotions. You can also set a timer for five minutes to explore your partner's body. If you can't slow down, practice Tantra slowly and build intensity later. When you feel ready, you can go deeper and start expressing more deeply. If you are still having trouble slowing down, set a timer to explore each other's body for five minutes, then increase the intensity at a later time.

Practice tantra in a sacred space. Before starting the practice, shower and wear comfortable clothing. Silence your cell phone to allow your mind to focus and be present. During the practice, try to feel your partner's body by using your tongue and your lips. Try to immerse yourself in the experience as you move your lips up and down the chest. Your partner will most likely feel the tension and enjoy the experience.

Allowing your partner to witness

If you want to allow your partner to witness your practice of Tantra, you should begin by sitting in a quiet place together. Choose a place that you both enjoy, such as in nature. Sit cross-legged with your back straight. Place your right hand on her heart. Rest your head between your partner's legs and place your right hand on her heart. Gently squeeze her hands.

If you have never tried tantra before, it's important to understand what it is and how it can affect your relationship. Tantra focuses on union with the divine and allows you to increase your intimacy with your partner. You'll both experience a deep sense of intimacy as you practice with your partner. Tantra isn't just for middle-aged, apolitical, or rich people. It's open to anyone. Tantra views the body as a channel to the divine.

In Tantra, you'll experience a profound connection to your guru and to your partner. You'll learn to engage with energy and be aware of the present moment. Your partner will be able to see the transformation taking place inside of you. They'll be able to see you as a whole, and may even be able to witness it. Tantra practices can be a powerful tool for self-realization and enlightenment.

Creating a sacred space

If you'd like to create a personal sanctuary to practice Tantra with your significant other, you may have already started by creating a room in your house. Using a soft blanket and cushions, a candle, or some meditative music will help create the perfect setting for intimacy. Then, you can start to decorate the space to enhance your experience. You can experiment with colors or even add crystals or feathers to set the mood.

Once you've chosen a room in your home, you can begin the process of setting up your personal space for Tantra. Make sure the space is warm, private, and safe. Add candles, incense, and dim curtains to create the right atmosphere for intimacy. Then, prepare your ritual. Once your significant other has arrived, start your practice. Make sure to engage all your senses during your practice.

You may even want to include your significant other in the ritual. After all, a sacred space creates a sacred container for you to open and relax. The sacred space will give you a safe, loving, and supportive environment to practice Tantra together. The two of you will be able to bond with greater passion, connection, and love! Your partner will appreciate the thoughtful effort you put into creating the space for your Tantra practice.


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