Coping with Sadness: Tips to Feel Better

When we lose someone we love, we can feel very sad. This is called grief. Grief is a natural feeling when we miss someone who has passed away. It's important to know that it's okay to feel sad and that there are things we can do to help us feel better. In this article, we'll talk about some ways to cope with grief.

1. Self-care practices: Self-care means taking care of ourselves. As a woman and mom, I’m always taking care of everyone, but as they say you can’t pour from an empty glass. I’m learning self-care is a necessity for me similar to air in my lungs and blood through my veins. Without it I cannot survive. When we're sad, it's important to be kind to ourselves. We can do things that make us feel good, like taking a warm bath, reading a favorite book, or going for a walk in nature. These simple things can help us feel better.

2. Journaling: Journaling is a way to express our feelings. We can write down our thoughts and emotions in a journal. This can help us understand our feelings better and find ways to cope with them. Writing can be very therapeutic and can help us feel less alone in our grief. We can journal with a purpose like remembering those who are no longer here or just clear our minds to be more intentional at work, home or life.

3. Mindfulness exercises: Mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment. When we're grieving, our minds may be filled with thoughts and worries. Mindfulness exercises can help us calm our minds and focus on the present. We can do simple exercises like deep breathing or meditation to help us feel more centered and at peace.

Grief is a natural part of life, and it's okay to feel sad when we lose someone we love. By practicing self-care, journaling, and mindfulness exercises, we can cope with our grief in healthy ways. It's important to remember that it's okay to ask for help when we need it and to take things one day at a time. With time and support, we can learn to navigate our grief and find healing.

Grieving with Grace,

Monique Hayes, M.Ed, Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist


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