The Pros and Cons of Getting a Planet Fitness Gym Membership

Here are some pros and cons to getting a Planet Fitness gym membership. It's a great place to start an active lifestyle or get rid of your homebody problems, but it may not be the best choice for serious strength gainers. Read on to find out more. A Planet Fitness gym membership costs more than you think, so consider what you're really looking for. 

Good for people who want to start an active lifestyle

The Planet Fitness gym was founded in Dover, NH, but before it became popular, it operated like any other gym in the country. It catered to a small percentage of the U.S. population - those who didn't belong to health clubs, which is approximately 80-85% of the population. Its mission was to appeal to these people, who didn't want the typical attitudes of gyms and didn't have the money to pay for expensive memberships.

While it's not the most expensive gym, Planet Fitness has quality equipment that is affordable for everyone. The gyms have free tanning and massage chairs for black card members. Members are not judged for their physical appearance and can exercise at their own pace. Some Planet Fitness locations even have food. The gyms used to offer snacks, such as pizzas, bagels, and Tootsie rolls, but I believe that's stopped.

Good for anti-homebodies

Why would a Planet Fitness Gym Membership be beneficial to anti-homebodies? Well, the truth is that some people prefer to interact with others than workout alone. The social interaction that a gym provides can inspire and motivate you to stay on track. When you're a homebody, you have your own distractions and you may feel overwhelmed when you come back to your office or your home. Fortunately, a gym can help you overcome this and get back to the lifestyle you need to maintain.

Not suitable for people with serious goals for strength gain

One of the reasons that many people do not visit a gym is gym intimidation. Women often feel intimidated by their male gym peers and don't join. A recent study in Metro found that women avoided gyms for this very reason. But Planet Fitness has a solution to this problem: their inclusive and friendly environment. You are not expected to look like a bodybuilder or wear a bikini to work out. In fact, a lot of gym clothing and activity is discouraged by Planet Fitness.


If you are a beginner, Planet Fitness may be a good option. Its decent equipment and lower monthly fees make it an affordable choice for beginners and regular exercisers. While its lack of strength equipment can make the experience less intimidating, advanced lifters should probably look elsewhere for a regular or hardcore gym.  However, it is great for those who just want to keep fit and lose weight.


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