How to Live With Anxiety and Grief
For many, the feeling of uncertainty and unknowing is a common part of their grief and anxiety. It can be triggered by various sources, including the media, bad news, and communication with anxious friends. Attempting to understand and challenge this need for certainty will free up energy that can be used for more practical pursuits. Here are a few ways to address the problem. A few tips to keep in mind:
Why Do We Suffer With Anxiety In The Modern World
The Effects of Stress on the Body
The Effects of Stress on the Body
Acute and chronic stress can cause major health problems. Acute stress is often called "fight or flight" stress and causes your body to produce more stress hormones. These hormones increase your concentration, strength, and immune system. It also affects your blood pressure and heart rate. However, acute and chronic stress can have detrimental effects to your health. For example, chronic stress can lead to heart disease, inflammation, and heartburn.