Late 40’s and Considering a Dutch Test? Here’s What You Should Know!

Hey there friends! As my 48th birthday approaches, I’m beginning to mourn the body I once had. Not only am I gaining weight rapidly while still working out and eating okay but I’m also a flood of hormones. Looking for a solution, I sought to do what I do best Google. My friends say I’m not just a Counselor, but a Googlologist. We know it’s not a real word people. Through my reading online and listening to one too many podcasts. I came across a bunch of functional medicine doctors discussing the Dutch test. So, here I am, turning 48 this month and I think I need a Dutch test. If you are also riding a hormonal rollercoaster seeking some assistance, please read on for something you can talk to your doctor about.

Comprehensive Hormone Assessment:

The Dutch test provides a comprehensive assessment of hormone levels, including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, and their metabolites. This detailed analysis offers insight into hormonal imbalances that may be contributing to symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, and irregular periods.

Identification of Hormonal Imbalances:

By measuring hormone levels throughout the day and assessing hormone metabolites, the Dutch test can identify imbalances that may not be detected by traditional blood tests. This includes conditions such as estrogen dominance, adrenal dysfunction, and impaired hormone metabolism.

Personalized Treatment Approach:

Armed with the information from the Dutch test, healthcare providers can develop personalized treatment plans tailored to address specific hormone imbalances. This may include hormone replacement therapy, nutritional supplements, lifestyle modifications, and stress management techniques.

Tracking Hormone Levels Over Time:

The Dutch test allows for monitoring of hormone levels over time, providing valuable insight into the effectiveness of treatment interventions and helping to guide adjustments as needed. This ongoing assessment can support women in achieving optimal hormone balance and overall health.

Assessment of Hormone Metabolism:

In addition to measuring hormone levels, the Dutch test evaluates hormone metabolism, including the production of beneficial and harmful hormone metabolites. This information can help identify factors that may be contributing to hormonal imbalances and guide targeted interventions to support optimal hormone metabolism.

Insight into Menopausal Transition:

For women over 40 approaching or experiencing menopause, the Dutch test can provide valuable insight into hormone levels and metabolic patterns associated with this transition. This information can help guide treatment decisions and support women in managing symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood changes.

Comprehensive Assessment of Stress Hormones:

The Dutch test measures cortisol levels throughout the day, providing insight into the body's stress response and adrenal function. This information is particularly relevant for women over 40, as adrenal dysfunction and chronic stress can contribute to hormonal imbalances and exacerbate menopausal symptoms.

Overall, the Dutch test offers a comprehensive and personalized approach to hormone assessment for women over 40, helping to identify imbalances, guide treatment decisions, and support optimal hormone balance and overall health. With this information, I’ve made a note to discuss with my primary care during my October 2024 visit. At this point

Grieving with Grace on a Rollercoaster of Hormones,

Monique Hayes, M.Ed, Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist


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