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Our Story

Grief Escapes (GE) is more than your average company. This collaborative was built out of necessity. In July 2020, our beloved mother passed in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic. This was an earth shattering and devastating loss for both of us. As an immediate family of three, our mother was our anchor as well as our compass. She was the person we went to for guidance and direction. Once she was gone we found ourselves lost in life. In our society, grief is something that many think you should just get over. Since life takes unexpected turns, we’ve learned there are many forms of grief and loss.

At Grief Escapes we help people to not only cope, but to carefully curate an optimal life after a loss. Whether you are grieving the loss of a person, career, relationship, idea body type or life in general; we are here for you. GE seeks to create healthy outlets for dealing with grief and help you rediscover wellness to create the life you deserve.